Create thriving stories
from social networks

Embed a handful of elements from multiple sources and bind them together to create your stories. Publish and share !

Build your stories from a variety of sources

Stories can have all sorts of elements inside them. You'll probably want to embed tweets, but we also support YouTube videos, pictures and any link that has minimal metadata. You can also add formatted text inbetween your elements.

Adding elements to your story is just a click away. Just connect your Twitter account to Pickweaver, search through your favourites or your latest tweets and simply drag and drop elements inside your Story. You can also search for tweets using the Twitter Search, and just pasting a tweet URL if you have it.

Still using drag and drop, you can reorder your elements and add text so that your story looks perfect. When you're ready, hit the publish button and share your story to the world!

Import your stories before it's too late!

Storify is closing on May 16th 2018. It was quite an useful tool for librarians, news editors or individuals telling stories through social networks.

If you used Storify previously, we created a tool to import all the stories you published on Storify directly into Pickweaver.

You can paste individual stories through their URL or just enter your username and exclude those to keep and we'll handle the rest (it can take a while though).

A community project

Pickweaver started as a crowdsourced project made by the community for the community, and we intend to leave it that way.

It's made of free software (licenced under GNU AGPL-3.0) and aims for maximum accessibility features. On the technical side, Pickweaver is made with Elixir (for the backend) and VueJS (for the front-end).

Whether or not you know to code, were a previous Storify user or not, every can contribute. Head over to our issue tracker or contact-us to help.

Privacy first

Powered by free software, Pickweaver doesn't do anything against your will.

The main Pickweaver instance is hosted by Framasoft, who is funded through your donations, so we don't need to sell your data to make a living.

But if you have the skills, you can easily set up your own Pickweaver instance just like ours.

About us


 There is a long way to go, but the road is Free… 

A network dedicated to globally promoting "free" and particularly free software.

Many services and innovative projects freely put at the disposal of the general public.

A community of volunteers supported by an association of public interest.

An invitation to build together a world of sharing and cooperation.

Pickweaver is part of our campaign Contributopia.

This project was also build with the support of several actors from the following organisations:


French Interministerial Directorate for Digital and for State Information and Communication Systems


French collective to defend the citizens' rights to their public common goods

Etalab - EIG

Open data division of the French Government in charge of facilitating the use of and access to public information.

Want to give it a try ?